Joel Lee

- Developer -

About Me

Joel and son Jett

My name is Joel. I am a 28 year old warehouse manager and shop foreman for a concrete manufacturing company. I love to create things, whether with my hands or through technology. Throughout my life I have enjoyed building things like cars, furniture, and more, and now I am working to translate my love of building into web development.

I have a two year old son named Jett who is my biggest priority in life. He is my motivation, my pride and joy, and I work as hard as I can so he will never have to struggle.

When I’m not spending time with my son, I love to be out in nature. I love all forms of transportation, especially anything that goes fast. I love motorcycles and spend a lot of time riding my Harley. I love the great outdoors, and when I have free time I enjoy surfing, skating, rock climbing, and camping.

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned to date is to count each day as a blessing. I have had experiences in the past that have made me realize how fleeting life really is, and I now strive to live each day to the fullest. Life is a beautiful thing, and it is meant to be lived.


